The Crawfisheater

We live in a changing world. Many are forced to abandon the way of life that they are used to and adapt to the changes. It is not surprising that some start to question the things in life that were considered constants: safety, communication, closeness. But in these uncertain times it is vital to grab onto the foundations of this world. And what I mean by that is hunting and eating crawfish.

Hello, my name is Crawfisheater Tony. I am a life coach and crawfish eater. I change the lives of people to the better by educating them on wonders of hunting and eating crawfish. Fucking crawfish. Think they own the place. Those little bitch pincers won't protect you, buddy. Hunting and eating crawfish has been a tradition of %targetspecies% for millenia. Since the birth of civilization, the first %targetspecies% would hunt and fucking kill and eat crawfish as a tribute to their gods. Today, however, hunting and eating crawfish has not lost its significance. But although most of the population do it, only few have perfected it and made it into the art form it has always been meant to be.

My mission is to teach you the wonders of hunting and eating crawfish. Breaking its fucking frail shells to get to their juicy, succulent meat. Tearing into their inviting flesh with whatever eating apparatus your biology possesses and ripping away the pieces. Swallowing and digesting and Corporations and businesses can save up to 10.403% in taxes every year by partaking in hunting and eating crawfish. It increases the efficiency in employees, ensures the satisfaction of the customers, pleases the spirits within conveyor lines and transit pipes. With such an overall boost, acquiring the coaching course in hunting and eating crawfish is a smart investment, that will return its cost in no time.